The restaurant is located in the Capstan Caniçal parish in the municipality of Machico.

Here you will have the opportunity to taste the best flavors come from the sea both in terms of seafood like fish as an alternative may also have good steaks fresh meat of 1st quality.

And speaking of quality this restaurant follows the HACCP standards thereby ensuring not only quality health and safety, then you have a professional team that hopes to serve you.

It also lies in Caniçal that the only natural sand beach called Madeira Praínha being quite famous and where the summer has a great turnout of local people and tourists.

The level party stands the Village of Our Lady of Mercy where there is a very curious procession as pilgrims make the procession, not on foot but by boat and where anyone can participate, entering a boat for free. This camp it reaches about 30,000 visitors.

Come pay a visit to Caniçal and the flavors of the restaurant Capstan.

See you there ....

The restaurant is located in the Capstan Caniçal parish in the municipality of Machico.

Here you will have the opportunity to taste the best flavors come from the sea both in terms of seafood like fish as an alternative may also have good steaks fresh meat of 1st quality.

And speaking of quality this restaurant follows the HACCP standards thereby ensuring not only quality health and safety, then you have a professional team that hopes to serve you.

It also lies in Caniçal that the only natural sand beach called Madeira Praínha being quite famous and where the summer has a great turnout of local people and tourists.

The level party stands the Village of Our Lady of Mercy where there is a very curious procession as pilgrims make the procession, not on foot but by boat and where anyone can participate, entering a boat for free. This camp it reaches about 30,000 visitors.

Come pay a visit to Caniçal and the flavors of the restaurant Capstan.

See you there ....

The restaurant is located in the Capstan Caniçal parish in the municipality of Machico.

Here you will have the opportunity to taste the best flavors come from the sea both in terms of seafood like fish as an alternative may also have good steaks fresh meat of 1st quality.

And speaking of quality this restaurant follows the HACCP standards thereby ensuring not only quality health and safety, then you have a professional team that hopes to serve you.

It also lies in Caniçal that the only natural sand beach called Madeira Praínha being quite famous and where the summer has a great turnout of local people and tourists.

The level party stands the Village of Our Lady of Mercy where there is a very curious procession as pilgrims make the procession, not on foot but by boat and where anyone can participate, entering a boat for free. This camp it reaches about 30,000 visitors.

Come pay a visit to Caniçal and the flavors of the restaurant Capstan.

See you there ....


Open every day
Of the 11.00 AM to 22.00 PM